Cui Bono?

Stewart to Sebelius on health care law “Am I a stupid man?”

Why is this on TV? If the media is indeed controlled, then why is a puppet questioning The Administration and making them look like fools?

Later, while addressing the issue of businesses cutting back hours for employees to avoid having to provide health care under the new regulations, Sebelius held firm.
“Economists, not anecdotal folks, but economists, say there is absolutely no evidence that part-time work is going up. In fact, it’s going down,” she said.

OMG!  That’s too funny for words.  Here’s what she’s actually saying: The sky is purple.  Even though everyone says that the sky is blue, the Experts say the sky is purple, so it’s purple.

Toward the end, Stewart argued that a market-based strategy toward health care is a flawed concept in itself and that a single payer system would have been a more simple approach.
Ah! Maybe that’s the purpose of Stewart’s interview? The old Hegelian Dialectic at work again.  Thesis = Health Care; Antithesis = Obamacare; Synthesis = Single Payer system.