This climate change debate annoys me. Although “debate” isn’t quite what’s happening here. There is no debate. There’s the officially sponsored side shouting down anyone who opposes them.
It saddens me that so many people are still falling for officialdom’s lies. I mean, I can’t even get a weather report that’s accurate for more than a week yet I’m expected to believe that they can predict what’s going to happen years and decades down the road? This from the same cadre of scientists who can’t even figure out if the egg is good for one or not.
I read an article the other day that claimed that Genghis Khan killed so many people that he reduced the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 700 million tons. Was that due to reforestation or depopulation?That’s the problem with this so-called carbon tax. When I exhale, I breathe out carbon dioxide. …So a tax on carbon emissions is a back-handed way of taxing breathing. People get all freaked out about how much green house gasses cows produce, but they don’t follow the idea through. There are 7 billion people in this world. How much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses do people produce just by breathing and farting?