Yeah.  I’m still angry.  It’s a foolish and pointless anger.  I may as well be angry at the rock obstructing the path.  None the less, I’m still angry. Goldangit people.  Are you that fucking stupid?

It’s good to have friends of all political persuasions.  It makes it easier to notice the idiotic ideas.  In that vein… To that one friend (facebook friend, that is) who claims to be a Constitutionalist and Proud American: You are a hypocrite.  One the one hand you’re all for “The Constitution” and “Liberty” but as soon as the political winds change you throw all your support behind tyrannical ideas.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…
That is one of the primary principles that this country was founded upon.  We are a nation of laws not of men.  No man is better or worse than another.  If one man is bound to a law then all men are. If a piece of legislation treats some people differently than others then it is counter to the principles this nation was founded upon.

Yet you support a law that makes killing a police officer a worse crime than killing an “ordinary” citizen?