Cats – The Nuclear Option

Right.  I’m done with this libtard environmental bullshit.  Don’t let your cats outside, they say.  Cats kill billions of “innocent creatures” every year, they say.  So then why are we not living in a barren wasteland populated only by starlings and sparrows?

I’m looking at $1700 in repairs because rodents ate the wiring in my car.  Encouraging the snake population didn’t do anything so it’s time for the nuclear option — cats.

I have no one to blame but myself. Why is the raccoon’s life more valuable than mine or my chickens?  Why do I put the best interests of the raccoon or mouse ahead of my interests?

It is guilt.  Where will the mouse tribe live once people have paved all the pastures?  I wish I could live in harmony with the creatures around me but when I try to do that I wind up with the short end of the stick.

It’s time for a change.

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