I’m watching a spider catch and kill a moth that’s caught in it’s web.

The poor moth. Desperately afraid and struggling for its life. It wants to live.

I want to save it. Tear it free from the web. Take it outside and let it go.

What about the spider? It’s also struggling for it’s life. And the moth isn’t so innocent. It eats my cloths or infests my rice.

What is it like to be a moth bitten by a spider? Does it hurt? Is it the most painful experience the moth has ever experienced?

All we know is that the spider bites its prey and the prey soon stops moving. And that it hurts when a spider bites us.

We are not the spiders’ intended victim, so maybe a spider bite for people is like aspirin for cats?

Maybe for the spiders’ intended prey it’s such a heavy trip that the bite victim is buzzing too hard to know or care what’s happening?

One can only hope.

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