What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives
Donald Trump saved our national ass. He stripped the veneer off the corruption and exposed the marxist rot that has infected our country.
Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the winner in 2016 but Trump had so much support that the Progressives couldn’t cheat their way to a victory. They weren’t prepared for the tidal wave of support that Trump got.
So the Progressives decided to wait until the 2020 election to devise a strategy to effectively counter Trump’s popular support. In the meantime, they would do everything they could to undermine and defame the President and his supporters.
One should call a spade a spade and not a digging implement with a flat blade on one end and a handle on the other. They might call themselves “Progressives” but the only progress they want to see is in an increase of government power and decrease in individual liberty. It’s misleading. So is “globalist”, and “socialist/communist” doesn’t have the gravitas it used to have.
What is the truth of the matter?
At the most basic level these people are collectivists. They view people in terms of groups. They do not believe in the sanctity of the individual. They may not even believe in the idea of the individual.
The evidence for this is the “Oppression Olympics”. Every individual is pigeon-holed in one or more of an infinite number of categories, and the more categories one is in the more oppressed and entitled.
Everyone must belong in a category. The individual is the most unique collection of categories and the minority bar none, yet the individual exists outside of groups and so is invisible to the collectivist. One must belong in a group to be seen and recognized by the collectivist.
At the most basic level these people are also authoritarian. They’re not content with putting things into collections; they want to force their perceptions of how things ought to be onto the world around them. That which doesn’t fit into a category threatens their world view. If it can’t be controlled (categorized) it must be exterminated.
The individual is chaos, and chaos terrifies the collectivist.
But authoritarian collectivist doesn’t roll off the tongue and feels too… intellectual. So what to call these bastards? Is there any word that carries the vitriol of “nazi” or “nigger”? “Communist” is the best nominee I can think of. It’s been diluted by the that’s nice, dear effect but it used to be quite the slur. It’s time to bring that back.
Henceforth, I shall call out these authoritarian collectivists as communists.
Rules I’ve picked up from the article:
- Never, ever let the State disarm one
- Registration is the first step to confiscation
- Do not head to the cities if the shtf
How well-armed are the communists?
What would have happened if HRC was President when the 2017 Las Vegas shooting happened? It was supposed to happen under her presidency but God blessed this country and Trump was president at the time.
Why did it still happen if Trump was president? Because one can’t stop on a dime once the wheels are in motion.
It doesn’t matter if many in antifa(g) are larpers. Slap down the first few and the rest will back off. I don’t care if it’s “just a prank, bruh.” If someone puts a gun to one’s head, literally or figuratively,one should treat it as an imminent threat and act accordingly.
It’s frowned upon in polite society, but communists need to be called out for the pestilence upon humanity that they are.