The Pope quotes Putin

This speaks volumes. Palpatine compliments Vader by quoting Kenobi.

Russian ammunition

Biden banned importing Russian ammunition. Up until now, most rounds were difficult to find but Russian steel was relatively common and inexpensive. Thanks to the ban, that’s changed.

Why the ban now? There have been sanctions on Russia for years, but it never included ammo. We’re still importing natural gas and oil from Russia.

This ban only punishes American citizens who were stacking Russian steel. The ammo shortage is a convenient end run around the Sec Amend but Russian steel was a loophole.

Who is buying up all the ammo? Is it really because of first-time gun owners? Or is some unknown faction purchasing massive amounts to fund a hidden army?

Rotting fish and chips

Biden has ok’d the sale of an unlimited supply of computer chips to Huawei* while GM has to close car factories due to chip shortages.

*I misspelled Huawei but spellcheck caught it. I’m a bit concerned by that word being included in the spellcheck dictionary.